
Dell Digital Halo

An interactive online editorial feature exploring the affects of big data across various industries.

Role: Information Design, UX Design, UI Design
Agency: Ransom Profit Group
Client: The Economist Group

Dell Digital Halo

Dell Digital Halo

An interactive online editorial feature exploring the affects of big data.

Launch Project

Information Design

Information Design

A way to understand existing information, content and assets from various collaborators all moving at their own speeds. A way to compartmentalize and establish all the puzzle pieces before proceeding with UX.

Planning at a Glance

Planning at a Glance



Laying out the structure, flow and content in detail.
The foundation of information design, and in this case the structural wires are 75% true to the final UI Design.

Dell EMC - Chapter 1 – 1.png
Dell EMC - Chapter 2.png
Dell EMC - Chapter 3.png
Dell EMC - Chapter 4.png
Dell EMC - Brand Page.png